Hey gang! Well, I finally made it. We are officially out of school. It was a tough climb and my knuckles are a bit bloody from clawing my way through, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. That last run with the babes was priceless!
So, now that school is out of the way, I can focus on summer plans. In addition to a handful of fun vacations, VEGAS 2014 is definitely happening for this girl. I have been the last two years and it is always such a ride. This year I am upping the ante . . . I am speaking at the 1st Annual TPT Conference. It’s supa-dupa exciting. They teamed up with the eva-fabulous Ryan Van Meter {TPT’s very own Head of Data} and do we ever have a informative show in the works for you!!!
What’s the topic you ask?? We are rolling with a tech savvy little talk we’ve titled, “The Data Advantage: Optimize Your Store for Search and Success!” I bet you didn’t see that coming Data and computer information . . . from the data and computer guy {hehehehe}.
I personally have learned some amazing tips just from working with Ryan. I am pretty savvy about TPT, search, and data. However, he pulled some pretty rad-tastic tips out of his back pocket that I didn’t see coming. And, I must say that these sweet nuggets of info have really have helped me hone my TPT-ing skills. Mr. Van Meter is a wealth of information
During our presentations, we will also chat about using the data found within your TPT dashboard to help set and reach goals. My portion of the handout is focused on spreadsheets to help you track data to help you reach goals {simply add a text box and type in your information}. I originally started tracking my own data when a sweet friend of mine offered to share a sheet she had created. The one and only Jen Ross from Teacher By the Beach showed me how powerful goal setting can be and I haven’t looked back since. Want to start setting and tracking your goals too?? Simply click on the picture below to check out a few handy dandy tables . . .
Our handout is not yet in my store, as Ryan is still working on his portion of the document {search optimization and TPT search ranking tips}. Life at TPT has been so busy for him lately. However, keep an eye out for his section to pop up in my shop. You will most definitely want take a peek at this portion . . . it’s gonna be so informative! We’re talking TPT TIPS from the man in charge of data and search
Not everything we are going is going to be in our handout, so you should really think about hitting up our presentation. Ryan has oodles of additional TOP SECRET information to dish out. It’s kinda like insider trading, but you won’t find yourself getting arrested after receiving the invaluable information {well, most likely . . . it is Vegas after all}. Click the picture to learn more about the upcoming TPT Conference on July 11th!
Alright, so that’s what I have for you today. A little sneak peak into what’s coming your way at the TPT Conference. There are SOOOO many wonderful presentations lined up. With that said, let me introduce you to another super talented TPT Conference presenter . . . Jennifer White. She is an amazing blogger over at First Grade Blue Skies. She is presenting on ways to help make your products POP {Session T20}. Hop on over to snag her handout! Although we would love to see you in Vegas, remember, you don’t have to attend to get the goods
soooo excited!!!!!
Aww, thank you! I can't wait to meet you!
First Grade Blue SKies
Can't wait to crunch numbers with you in VEGAS Kelley!
This session is exactly what we need! Thank you!
Christy & Tammy
This is awesome. I track my stats daily and compare them. This is going to be a great session! WAHOO!
Sounds awesome Kelley!!! Can't wait to hang out!
Teaching and Much Moore
Kelley, you are so organized and you are going to do a great job. I am really looking forward to meeting you. Emma
Hi Kelley! I didn't realize you were doing the TPT conference! That's awesome. I really wanted to go, but my husband scheduled our vacation to the Dominican Republic at the same time. Stealing cookies and planning trips at the wrong time?! I don't know what to do with him…haha! Wish I could learn more from you in Vegas. We'll have to plan a girls trip sometime. Thanks again for the goodies. XO
A Teaspoon of Teaching
Thank you, Kelley! These data sheets will be helpful. I won't be able to go to Vegas this year, but I am excited for all of you! Thanks again!
i Heart Second
The Think Aloud Cloud
I can't wait to meet you Kelley! You're gonna be awesome! xox
Can't wait to be in this class!
Journey of a Substitute Teacher
So looking forward to this class!
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