Dear Teaching Gods,
Thank you for showing mercy on my soul and treating me to a whole week off. After a heart-stoppin’ week of administering new common core assessments, team meetings to make last minute changes to the report card, two mandatory district trainings that took our entire prep time and more (joy), a nighttime Thanksgiving play, and our first stretch of rainy day recesses, this teach is oh so thankful for some much needed R&R!
Kelley “Forever Grateful” Dolling
Please know that I am not complaining by any means . . . there were moments of absolute brilliance last week behind my four little walls. However, this 5-day run was fast and furious, and let’s face it, downright difficult. How about you guys? How was your week?? Did you make it???
Enough yammering, Dolling! How about a peek at my week Five for “Weekend” Style? There might just be something down below that will work oh so nicely for you next week (if you indeed are slated for Monday, Tuesday, and/or Wednesday). A handful of bloggy buddies really helped keep my head above water throughout this last stretch.
We really dove into the Pilgrims and their journey this week. We kicked off the week by watching a great Scholastic Mayflower video. It was so well done (sans the part about Pilgrims drinking beer instead of water). Sure, this quick tidbit was part of the reality of it all, but kids really didn’t need to know that in my humble opinion. I knew it was hiding in there, but I made the professional decision to run with it anywho and field comments if they came up. However, no one hollered anything out (SHOCKING) and we were able to move right on with our day . . . whew. My kiddos especially loved learning about the Poop Deck. This definition for the highest deck on a ship showed up in writing ALL WEEK LONG and I couldn’t help but giggle every single time.
On a side note, the Wampanoag Homesite video was wonderful as well and it didn’t mention any indiscretions. The kids really got into it ๐ Click here to check out all of these free Plimoth Plantation Documentaries. (Please note that one video mentions that “Pilgrims and even their kids drank beer” and I chose to not show it . . . I figured I better post this cautionary note so I am not responsible for gettin’ you into a bind!)
Stephanie Stewart from Falling Into First was my social studies lifeline all week long. Seriously folks, this girl’s Common Core Aligned Thanksgiving Unit was my go to pack for all my Pilgrim and Native American needs. After watching the Mayflower video above, we ran with Steph’s cute Mayflower Suitcase Craft. My babes completed the suitcase guts independently in group (the writing and drawing was perfect for one rotation). They had to decide the three things they would bring if they were a child on the Mayflower. We cut and assembled the little suitcase pieces after lunch . . . together so I could model. They LOVED carrying these to the bus.
With play practice and assessments eating up all of our time this week, we spent a lot of our math block working on white boards. (The kids always love to solve problems on these things and it requires no prep on my part . . . just what the doctor ordered!) I gave LOTS of oral word problems and asked my babes to draw a picture, write the equation, and solve. Not only did this support our math growth, but we were able to work on our listening skills too. To spice things up a bit and make it more game-like I added in my Staples’ Easy Button. When the kids flashed their answers, I would pick a student to come slap the button. It’s amazing to see just how powerful silly little classroom gimmicks can be (you could hear a pin drop)!
We also completed number bonds and missing addend equations in this fashion. I really pushed the envelope to see if they could apply their skills and think out of the box a bit. I was pleased as punch with their correct responses ๐
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Here’s one example of “stretchin’ it.” That says 99 (the stick isn’t very long . . . hehehe). They would show me the bond and then follow up by writing the equation! |
Our annual Thanksgiving Performance went down on Thursday night at 6 pm. The kids absolutely nailed it and I darn near started bawling at least 3 times. We practiced our hearts out all week and they were so proud of themselves. The house was packed and we followed up with a yummy pumpkin and apple pie feast ๐
We ended our week with another one of Stephanie Stewart’s amazing appearances. These Thankful Hearts were just what I needed to fill our Big Buddy time on Friday. With all of the play prep and late night on Thursday, I just didn’t have time to get an in-depth craft ready for Friday morning. Right when I started to panic, I remembered this sweet little craft that was hiding in Steph’s Thanksgiving Pack that I love so much. The kids really adored this one and it was a perfect way to work in nouns – there’s a strip for people, places, and things ๐ Thanks again Stephanie!!!!
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Alright my friends, that’s it. I am off to soak in a tub and treat myself to a burrito bowl from our local taco shop (I am addicted to these things). I hope you have a wonderful Saturday. I will be back soon with 2nd Grade Good Morning Work and a few other ditties. My goal is to finish 3-4 things this week (ind addition to some timely freebies). It’s a lofty one for sure, but I am gonna set the bar high!!!!
I am so jealous of your WEEK off!!! I have to work Monday and Tuesday. :/
Thankfully, we have have a field trip on Monday to make the time go by a little faster. Especially since I have 12 chaperones! Enjoy your week, friend ๐
Kelly!!!!!!!!!!!! How you be friend . . . other than having to work two days this week?? Thanks so much for stoppin' in – I've missed ya!
Yay!!! So happy for you! Enjoy your tub soak, burrito, and your entire (SO jealous!) week off- you deserve it!!!! ๐ Melissa
Melissa . . . I miss you oodles. We definitely need to plan that trip sooner rather than later. Good luck next week and Merry Turkey!
When I started my blog a few weeks ago, a teacher friend of mine pointed me in the direction of your blog (based on a post you did this summer). I've been shyly following along ever since and love your creativity. Just wanted to say "hi" and let you know I am looking forward to keeping up with all the ideas that come out of your teacher factory! KinderCoaster
Kelsey . . . thanks so much for poppin' in to say "hello!" I am so glad that you did. I am your newest follower . . . you had me with your blog subtitle. I have a feeling I know just the post you were referring to and if it is indeed that post, we share a VERY common bond. If you ever want to chat, look me up – I've a very open book. Thanks again . . . Merry Thanksgiving to you.